I was in Alta's production of the King and I as well as The Crucible where I had a lead as Mary Warren. I went on the most amazing choir tour of my life to New Orleans! It was a total blast! I was with my best friend Joey the whole time and we had and amazing trip! I went to state in theatre with a piece I did with my friend Alex Saxton from Steel Magnolias and we medalled PLUS we got in the judges top five favorites and got to perform in front of everyone at state! I got to sing the star spangled banner at my school for the prom assembly. I went to all the dances this year except for one. I'm taking tap lessons for 42nd street next year. I made it into Madrigals for next year. And to top it all off, I've truly come to learn who I am this year and through many hard moments I've figured out what is truly important in my life.